How To Make War Card Game In Flash
Note: It’s possible to do network communications with Bonjour and Bluetooth without Game Kit, but if you’re building a multiplayer game, using Game Kit is a lot easier. It hides all the nasty networking stuff from you and gives you a single class to use, GKSession. That will be the only Game Kit class you’re going to be working with in this tutorial (and its delegate, GKSessionDelegate). If you’re making a two-player multiplayer game that uses Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, then you can use Game Kit’s GKPeerPickerController to establish the connection between the two devices. It looks like this: The GKPeerPickerController is pretty easy to use, but it’s limited to establishing a connection between two devices. Can have up to four players, so this tutorial takes you through writing your own matchmaking code. The “Host Game” Screen In this section, you’ll add the Host Game screen to the app.
This screen lets a player host a gaming session that other players can join. When you’re done, it will look like this: The table view lists the players who have connected to this host, and the Start button begins the game. There is also a text field that allows you to name your player (by default it will use the name of your device).
Make Your Own Flash Game

Add a new UIViewController subclass to the project, named HostViewController. Disable the “With XIB for user interface” option.
How To Make War Card Game In Flash Cards
If both players draw a card of the same rank, e.g. They both draw 8s, then there's a war. The face up cards are left on the table and each player puts three cards face down on the table, and then puts one card face up. The face up card determines who wins the war and gets all 10 cards that are on the table at this point. Kongregate free online game Cards Wars - Hello, Kongregaters! Have you ever wanted to command an army of playing cards, just like in A. Play Cards Wars.

The starter code already comes with a fully-prepared nib file for the Host Game screen. You can find it in the “Snap/en.lproj” folder. Drag the HostViewController.xib file into the project. The nib file looks like this: Most of the UI elements are hooked up to properties and action methods, so you should add these to your HostViewController class. Otherwise, the app will crash when you try to load this nib. In HostViewController.m, add the following lines to the class extension (at the top of the file): @interface HostViewController @property (nonatomic, weak) IBOutlet UILabel.headingLabel; @property (nonatomic, weak) IBOutlet UILabel.nameLabel; @property (nonatomic, weak) IBOutlet UITextField.nameTextField; @property (nonatomic, weak) IBOutlet UILabel.statusLabel; @property (nonatomic, weak) IBOutlet UITableView.tableView; @property (nonatomic, weak) IBOutlet UIButton.startButton; @end Notice that you’re putting the IBOutlet properties inside the.m file, not in the.h file. This is one of the new features of the LLVM compiler that ships with the latest versions of Xcode (4.2 and up).
It helps to keep your.h files really clean so that you only expose the properties and methods that other objects need to see. Of course, you need to synthesize these properties, so add the following lines below @implementation: @synthesize headingLabel = headingLabel; @synthesize nameLabel = nameLabel; @synthesize nameTextField = nameTextField; @synthesize statusLabel = statusLabel; @synthesize tableView = tableView; @synthesize startButton = startButton. Note: The peer ID is an internal number used by Game Kit to identify the different devices that are partaking in the session. Every time you run the app, your peers will get different IDs. You’ll be using these peer IDs quite a bit later on.
Make Your Own Flash Cards
If you have two or more devices, you can have more than one function as a server. For the purposes of this tutorial, a client can connect to only one of them, but it should detect them both. Where to Go From Here?
Here is a with all of the code from the tutorial so far. Congratulations – you now have a good-looking and smoothly animated main menu for the app, and the basic implementation of the host and join game screens. In addition, you have implemented broadcasting and detecting servers with GameKit and Bonjour!
This is great, but obviously you want to show the detected servers onscreen so the user can select which server to join. That is the topic of of this epic series! If you have any questions or comments about this part of the series, please join the forum discussion below! This is a post by iOS Tutorial Team member, an experienced iOS developer and designer. You can find him on and.