How To Program A Virus In Python The Body

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- Such virus may be responsible for stealing hard disc space, accessing private data, corrupting information etc. Depending up on the type of the malware. Creating a computer virus is easy, and in this post, I am going to take you through how to develop computer virus using C programming language.
7.6 Metamorphic Viruses Virus writers still must often waste weeks or months to create a new polymorphic virus that does not have chance to appear in the wild because of its bugs. On the other hand, a researcher might be able to deal with the detection of such a virus in a few minutes or few days. One of the reasons for this is that there are a surprisingly low number of efficient external polymorphic engines. Virus writers try, of course, to implement various new code evolution techniques to make the researcher's job more difficult.
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The W32/Apparition virus was the first-known 32-bit virus that did not use polymorphic decryptors to evolve itself in new generations. Rather, the virus carries its source and drops it whenever it can find a compiler installed on the machine. The virus inserts and removes junk code to its source and recompiles itself. In this way, a new generation of the virus will look completely different from previous ones.
It is fortunate that W32/Apparition did not become a major problem. However, such a method would be more dangerous if implemented in a Win32 worm.
Furthermore, these techniques are even more dangerous on platforms such as Linux, where C compilers are commonly installed with the standard system, even if the system is not used for development. In addition, MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Langauge) viruses already appeared to rebuild themselves using the System.Reflection.Emit namespace and implement a permutation engine. An example of this kind of metamorphic engine is the MSIL/Gastropod virus, authored by the virus writer, Whale. The technique of W32/Apparition is not surprising.
It is much simpler to evolve the code in source format rather than in binary. Not surprisingly, many macro and script viruses use junk insertion and removal techniques to evolve in new generations. 7.6.1 What Is a Metamorphic Virus? Igor Muttik explained metamorphic viruses in the shortest possible way: 'Metamorphics are body-polymorphics.' Metamorphic viruses do not have a decryptor or a constant virus body but are able to create new generations that look different. They do not use a data area filled with string constants but have one single-code body that carries data as code. Material metamorphosis does exist in real life.

How To Program A Virus In Python The Body Video
For instance, shape memory polymers have the ability to transform back to their parent shape when heated. Metamorphic computer viruses have the ability to change their shape by themselves from one form to another, but they usually avoid generating instances that are very close to their parent shape. Illustrates the problem of metamorphic virus bodies as multiple shapes.
The virus body keeps changing in different generations of a metamorphic virus. Although there are some DOS metamorphic viruses, such as ACG (Amazing Code Generator), these did not become a significant problem for end users. There are already more metamorphic Windows viruses than metamorphic DOS viruses. The only difference between the two is in their respective potentials. The networked enterprise gives metamorphic binary worms the ability to cause major problems.
As a result, we will not be able to turn a blind eye to them, assuming that we do not need to deal with them because they are not causing problems. 7.6.2 Simple Metamorphic Viruses In December of 1998, Vecna (a notorious virus writer) created the W95/Regswap virus. Regswap implements metamorphosis via register usage exchange. Any part of the virus body will use different registers but the same code. The complexity of this, clearly, is not very high.
Listing 7.10 shows some sample code fragments selected from two different generations of W95/Regswap that use different registers. Listing 7.10 Two Different Generations of W95/Regswap a.) 5Apop edx BF 04000000mov edi,0004h 8BF5mov esi,ebp B8 0C000000mov eax,000Ch 81C2 88000000add edx,0088h 8B1Amov ebx,edx 80000mov esi+eax.4+00001118,ebx b.) 58pop eax BB 04000000mov ebx,0004h 8BD5mov edx,ebp BF 0C000000mov edi,000Ch 81C0 88000000add eax,0088h 8B30mov esi,eax 89B4BA 18110000mov edx+edi.4+00001118,esi The bold areas show the common areas of the two code generations. Thus a wildcard string could be useful in detecting the virus. Moreover, support for half-byte wildcard (indicated with the?
Mark) bytes such as 5? (as described by Frans Veldman) could lead to even more accurate detection. Using the 5?B?
Wildcard pattern we can detect snippets such as 5ABF, 58BB, and so on. Depending on the actual ability of the scanning engine, however, such a virus might need an algorithmic detection because of the missing support of wildcard search strings. If algorithmic detection is not supported as a single database update, the product update might not come out for several weeksor monthsfor all platforms!
Other virus writers tried to re-create older permutation techniques. For instance, the W32/Ghost virus has the capability to reorder its subroutines similarly to the BadBoy DOS virus family (see ). Badboy always starts in the entry point (EP) of the virus. The Badboy virus uses eight modules. The order of the subroutines will be different from generation to generation, which leads to n! Different virus generations, where n is the number of subroutines. BadBoy had eight subroutines, and 8!=40,320 different generations.
W32/Ghost (discovered in May 2000) has 10 functions, so 10!=3,628,800 combinations. Both of them can be detected with search strings, but some scanners need to deal with such a virus algorithmically. Two different variants of the W95/Zmorph virus appeared in January of 2000. The polymorphic engine of the virus implements a build-and-execute code evolution. The virus rebuilds itself on the stack with push instructions.
Blocks of code decrypt the virus instruction-by-instruction and push the decrypted instructions to the stack. The build routine of the virus is already metamorphic.
The engine supports jump insertion and removal between any instructions of the build code. Regardless, code emulators can be used to deal easily with such viruses.
A constant code area of the virus is useful for identification because the virus body is decrypted on the stack. 7.6.3 More Complex Metamorphic Viruses and Permutation Techniques The W32/Evol virus appeared in July of 2000. The virus implements a metamorphic engine and can run on any major Win32 platform. In Listing 7.11, section a. Shows a sample code fragment, mutated in b.
To a new form in a new generation of the same virus. Even the 'magic' DWORD values (5500000Fh, 5151EC8Bh) are changed in subsequent generations of the virus, as shown in c.
Therefore any wildcard strings based on these values will not detect anything above the third generation of the virus. W32/Evol's engine is capable of inserting garbage between core instructions. Listing 7.11 Different Generations of the W32/Evol Virus a. An early generation: C7060F000055mov dword ptr esi,5500000Fh C746048BEC5151mov dword ptr esi+0004,5151EC8Bh b. And one of its later generations: BF0F000055 mov edi,5500000Fh 893E mov esi,edi 5Fpop edi 52push edx B640mov dh,40 BA8BEC5151 mov edx,5151EC8Bh 53push ebx 8BDA mov ebx,edx 895E04 mov esi+0004,ebx c.
And yet another generation with recalculated ('encrypted') 'constant' data: BB0F000055 mov ebx,5500000Fh 891E mov esi,ebx 5Bpop ebx 51push ecx B9CB00C05F mov ecx,5FC000CBh 81C1C0EB91F1 add ecx,F191EBC0h; ecx=5151EC8Bh 894E04 mov esi+0004,ecx Variants of the W95/Zperm family appeared in June and September of 2000. The method used is known from the Ply DOS virus. The virus inserts jump instructions into its code.
The jumps will be inserted to point to a new instruction of the virus. The virus body is built in a 64K buffer that is originally filled with zeros. The virus does not use any decryption. In fact, it will not regenerate a constant virus body anywhere. Instead, it creates new mutations by the removal and addition of jump instructions and garbage instructions. Thus there is no way to detect the virus with search strings in the files or in the memory.
Most polymorphic viruses decrypt themselves to a single constant virus body in memory. Metamorphic viruses, however, do not. Therefore the detection of the virus code in memory needs to be algorithmic because the virus body does not become constant even there.
How To Program A Virus In Python The Body Found
Explains the code structure changes of Zperm-like viruses. The Zperm virus.
Sometimes the virus replaces instructions with other, equivalent instructions. For example, the instruction xor eax, eax (which sets the eax register to zero) will be replaced by sub eax, eax (which also zeroes the contents of the eax register). The opcode of these two instructions will be different. The core instruction set of the virus has the very same execution order; however, the jumps are inserted in random places. The B variant of the virus also uses garbage instruction insertion and removal such as nop (a do-nothing instruction). It is easy to see that the number of generations can be at least n!, where n is the number of core set instructions in the virus body. Zperm introduced the real permutating engine (RPME).
RPME is available for other virus writers to create new metamorphic viruses. We should note here that permutation is only a single item on the list of metamorphic techniques. To make the virus truly metamorphic, instruction opcode changes are introduced. Encryption can be used in combination with antiemulation and polymorphic techniques. In October 2000, two virus writers created a new permutation virus, W95/Bistro, based on the sources of the Zperm virus and the RPME. To further complicate the matter, the virus uses a random code block insertion engine. A randomly activated routine builds a do-nothing code block at the entry point of the virus body before any active virus instructions.
When executed, the code block can generate millions of iterations to challenge a code emulator's speed. Simple permutating viruses and complex metamorphic viruses can be very different in their complexity of implementation.
In any case, both permutating viruses and metamorphic viruses are different from traditional polymorphic techniques. In the case of polymorphic viruses, there is a particular moment when we can take a snapshot of the completely decrypted virus body, as illustrated.
Typically, antivirus software uses a generic decryption engine (based on code emulation) to abstract this process. It is not a requirement to have a complete snapshot to provide identification in a virus scanner, but it is essential to find a particular moment during the execution of virus code when a complete snapshot can be madeto classify a virus as a traditional polymorphic virus. It is efficient to have a partial result, as long as there is a long-enough decrypted area of each possible generation of the virus. Snapshot of a decrypted 'polymorphic virus.' On the contrary, a complex metamorphic virus does not provide this particular moment during its execution cycle. This is true even if the virus uses metamorphic techniques combined with traditional polymorphic techniques.
7.6.4 Mutating Other Applications: The Ultimate Virus Generator? Not only does W95/Bistro itself mutate in new generations, it also mutates the code of its host by a randomly executed code-morphing routine. In this way, the virus might generate new worms and viruses. Moreover, the virus cannot be perfectly repaired because the entry-point code area of the application could be different. The code sequence at the entry point of the host application is mutated for a range 480 bytes long.