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Article created with FME Desktop 2014 Downloads. Introduction to ATOM feeds ATOM feeds are a useful way to share frequently updated content; users can subscribe to a feed and automatically have access to the most up-to-date data. INSPIRE. data download requirements can be met using ATOM feeds, and a number of organizations are doing so. FME’s supports RSS and ATOM, enabling users to read and write ATOM feeds.

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- This short video uses the example of the energy efficiency of buildings to demonstrate how to make INSPIRE work for you. Inspire Helsinki 2019. Webinar: INSPIRE good practices – Alternative Encodings.
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In this demo, two workspaces and FME server are used to create an ATOM feed. 1) One workspace creates the ATOM feed, when it is published with the Data Streaming service on FME Server.
When this workspace is run via the Data Streaming service, it provides the RSS/ATOM feed which includes links to downloadable INSPIRE data layers. 2) When a user wants to download an INSPIRE data layer, the desired link is selected in the ATOM service, and the second workspace is run by the Data Streaming service.
Note on viewing ATOM feeds Firefox and Internet Explorer automatically render ATOM feeds; when the ATOM feed workspace is run via the Data Streaming service, links to download data are displayed. Chrome does not automatically render ATOM feeds. There are browser extensions available to render ATOM feeds. Creating an ATOM feed with FME Step 1. INSPIRE Data Download Workspace.
Open the ManagementRestrictionOrRegulationZoneFME2015.fmw workspace, and ensure it runs locally. Check the INSPIRE GML output in Data Inspector. Publish the workspace to FME Server, in the INSPIRE repository (if necessary, create an INSPIRE repository when publishing to server), and register the workspace with the Data Streaming Service. ATOM feed workspace. Open the INSPIREAtomFeedFME2015.fmw workspace. Under Private Parameters, modify the FMEServerRoot, username and password entries to match that of the FME Server host that will be used.
Optionally, modify the Title, Description, and Author parameters. Obtain a token from FME Server. In the server web interface, go to admin (username) Manage Token. Copy the token and paste it into the Token parameter.
Note the token expiry date, as it will be necessary to obtain a new one after expiry. Obtain a token and note its expiry date. Run the workspace locally, to ensure that an XML document is written, which contains feed and entry data.
Entries for Brent Smoke Control Zones and Westminster Smoke Control Areas should be present. Publish the INSPIREAtomFeedFME2015.fmw workspace to FME Server, registering it with the Data Streaming service. When the workspace is run via the Data Streaming service, an ATOM feed XML document is generated which includes data download links. The links point to the workspace published in Step 1 and when clicked will provide the actual GML data via the Data Streaming Service. Interacting with the ATOM feed on FME server. Using Internet Explorer, it is easy to obtain an ATOM feed “look”, as it can render ATOM/RSS feeds. In Internet Explorer, go to the FME Server Web Interface, then Run Workspace.
Select the INSPIRE repository, click on INSPIREAtomFeedFME2015.fmw, then Data Streaming. Within Data Streaming, expand Developer Information. The Direct URL Example shown is the URL required to access the ATOM feed service. The URL will look similar to: and users can access the service with this URL. Accessing the URL for the ATOM feed service Note on authentication Access to the ATOM feed and the data download links requires authentication by default.
Unauthenticated access can be provided by configuring the security settings of FME Server and making use of the fmeguest account. On FME Server, click on Manage, Administration, then Security.
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Locating security configuration on FME Server 2. Select the Role Policies tab, and choose the fmeguest role 3. Check on Repositories INSPIRE Read and Run capabilities 4. Ensure Services Data Streaming is allowed fmeguest Role Policies to enable access to the service Accessing the ATOM feed from a browser. Paste the Direct URL into an Internet Explorer browser, to see the ATOM feed as shown below. Click on a layer, to download INSPIRE GML The INSPIRE ATOM feed viewed with Internet Explorer. INSPIRE, or Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe, is a European Union directive that aims to create a spatial data infrastructure of EU data.
Open standards such as OGC web services are used to facilitate the exchange of INSPIRE data. For more information please visit the.
If you have any questions or require assistance, please.
Implementing INSPIRE Download Services. 1. Demonstrating how to Implement INSPIRE Download Services Debbie Wilson Sunday 24th June – 16:00 Beylerbeyi Hall 1. Workshop Objectives. Provide overview of requirements of INSPIRE Download Service Technical Guidance v3.0 (12th June 2012). anceDownloadServices3.0.pdf. Practical Demonstration how to create and publish EEA Natura 2000 data (reported 2009) via each option: – ATOM Feed for pre-defined datasets – WFS for pre-defined datasets – WFS for pre-defined datasets and spatial objects (features).
INSPIRE Download ServicesTechnical Guidance. What is an INSPIRE Download Service? “mechanism by which users can access the information contained within the spatial data set related to an Annex theme” enabling copies of spatial data sets, or parts of such sets, to be downloaded and, where practicable, accessed directly (INSPIRE Directive).
Types of INSPIRE Download Service1. Pre-Defined Download Service – One or more files representing either the full dataset or subsets – These files are accessed via a file or data repository (e.g. FTP) – Downloaded in their entirety and the content cannot be changed (i.e. Encoding, CRS)2.
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Direct Access Download Service – Users define a set of request criteria that subsets the data to return only the features needed:. Select all data within a bounding box. Select only feature type x and y.

Select feature by identifier. Select all features that are valid between T1 and T2 within and area of interest. Non-Interoperable vs Interoperable Download Services 1. Non-Interoperable: Provide access to your data as you provide it today 2.