Bluetooth Serial Connection Matlab


I have some sensors with Bluetooth SPP connections. I cannot seem to get MATLAB Serial IO to work with them. The 'Standard Serial over Bluetooth link' COM port entries are available in Device Manager, the port settings (in Device Manager and the MATLAB serial function call) are correct. Install pkg ps3 without jailbreak. On using fopen the error seen is that the requested com port is not available. This is confirmed using instrhwinfo('serial') as the requested COM port is not in the list. I know the Bluetooth SPP is working because the only way I could get the devices working with MATLAB was to use a third party com2tcp forwarder, then use MATLAB's tcpip function to access the port. However, this is not ideal since the com2tcp forwarder is not that reliable.

  1. Rs232 Serial Connection

Instrument Control Toolbox supports the Bluetooth Serial Port Profile (SPP). You can identify any SPP Bluetooth device and establish a two-way connection with that device. B = Bluetooth(RemoteID,Channel) creates a Bluetooth object directly from the RemoteID and Channel. Bluetooth - Serial Port Redirection Using Matlab/simulink: Ooh.!!I have a project must done within 2 months,my project Requires the ' HC-05 ' Serial Bluetooth module, which i don't have, So I was thinking of using the built-in Bluetooth in my I tried many programs without any Seriallist returns a list of all serial ports on a system. The list includes virtual serial ports provided by USB-to-serial devices and Bluetooth Serial Port Profile devices. This provides a list of the serial ports that you have access to on your computer and could use for serial port communication.


Rs232 Serial Connection

I'd rather be using MATLAB's serial io. Could this be an issue with the java version being used? Version('-java') gives 'Java 1.6.024-b07 with Sun Microsystems Inc. Java HotSpot™ 64-Bit Server VM mixed mode'. My set up is Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit, MATLAB 7.11.0 (R2010b) 64-bit.

This entry was posted on 23.10.2019.